
Fancy Robin Mascot — spring

Day 13 - Arrival of #2...

Posted by Sidor B on

Day 13 - Arrival of #2...

Day 13 - The days are getting more excited as we eagerly awaits for Mama Robin to lay her egg each morning. Since the first egg was laid yesterday, we were so looking forward to the arrival of egg #2. Sure enough, shortly before lunch hour, Mama Robin had another rejoicing tweet... "Our 2nd egg is here, Dear", she seems to say. It's funny, even though we don't speak bird, one can tell how joyful Father Robin is with his happy dance when he stood over the nest and stares down at his two new unborn child. Tomorrow will be...

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Day 12 - The Countdown Begins...

Posted by Sidor B on

Day 12 - The Countdown Begins...

Day 12 - Mama Robin settled into the nest for a couple of days now, just sitting and watching... waiting. Out of the blue, I watched her starting to move around impatiently, switching positions every so often as if she was in some state of excitement. In a blink of an eye, at some point in time, IT appeared... Mama Robin laid the first egg!! So the countdown begins...

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Day 10 - Welcome to your New Home

Posted by Sidor B on

Day 10 - It was a rainy day. Father Robin finally stopped carrying dry grass back and forth to his nest and thumping down the hay. Since he flew back to the nest earlier this morning, he simply laid there, looking around. Oh... wait, that's NOT Father Robin... it's Mama Robin. She was the one checking out the nest earlier and moving around trying to find the perfect spot to lie. "Welcome to your New Home, Mama Robin!!" I thought almost out loud. I guess the time is coming soon for our little mascots to arrive. Can't wait!!

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Day 5 - What the heck Father Robin?

Posted by Sidor B on

Day 5 - Father Robin started doing something different today. I have no idea why he did that and what it was initially. All I knew when I first saw his nest today is that it's all dirty and black. "What the heck Father Robin?", I thought. I watched him for a bit and noticed he was bringing back something each time, but not dry grass, but dirt. Not sure if this bird went "Koo koo" or what, but he just kept making a mess out of his new home. Boy oh boy... can't watch.

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Day 4 - A Robin's Life

Posted by Sidor B on

It's day 4 and our Father Robin seems to be determined in making the nest in front of our door his chicklings' birth home. Flying back an forth every few minutes, picking up straws and small twigs, closely monitoring his surroundings to ensure his new home will be safe for his new family. Wiggling back and forth... forcing the new straws down flat to add new installation. That's all he did all day... watching, flying, adding straws, wiggling...

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