Fancy Robin Mascot — spring
Day 20 - Incubating...
Posted by Sidor B on
Day 20 - It is incubating week... Just watching them on the surface seems like Mama Robin just sits there all day and night without much to do, but if you watch her closely, she is constantly on guard. Throughout the entire day and night, she will nudge and turn each and every single egg over every twenty minutes or so; making sure the entire egg is kept warm and the chicks have not even born yet. Parenting is such a task. Way to go Mama Robin!!
- Tags: adorable, bird, bird nest, blog, cam, cat, chicks, cute, daily feed, dog, eggs, exciting, FancyPetTags, FancyPetTags Mascot, FPT Mascot, Life of a Robin, live, Mascot, nest, pet, pets, Robin, spring, video, wild
Day 18 - Looks like it's final
Posted by Sidor B on
Day 18 - Looks like Mama Robin is done with laying her eggs... 4 is the final magic number. Luckily, there are no more coming as the nest itself seems to be getting a little tight. I cant' imagine 5 little chicks be able to grow fully inside this little nest. I watched Mama Robin keeping herself busy, taking care of her unborn chicks. One can certainly appreciate their anxiety and hard work going into raising their offspring. The countdown begins...
- Tags: adorable, bird, bird nest, blog, cam, cat, chicks, cute, daily feed, dog, eggs, exciting, FancyPetTags, FancyPetTags Mascot, FPT Mascot, Life of a Robin, live, Mascot, nest, pet, pets, Robin, spring, video, wild
Day 16 - Yay!! Full House
Posted by Sidor B on

Day 16 - Did I mention it was a bad night sleep? Woke up this morning and the first thing we did was to check up on Mama Robin and her nest... 1... 2... 3... Still nothing. As we gear up after lunch, we hear a little tweet as if there was an announcement... Yay!! Egg number 4 is here! Father Robin is having a Full House of chicks!! So excited!! Will there be a number 5? LOL... will see.
- Tags: adorable, bird, bird nest, blog, cam, cat, chicks, cute, daily feed, dog, eggs, exciting, FancyPetTags, FancyPetTags Mascot, FPT Mascot, Life of a Robin, live, Mascot, nest, pet, pets, Robin, spring, video, wild
Day 15 - Is this it? Anymore?
Posted by Sidor B on
Day 15 - Maybe I said it too soon... clockwork? Hmmm... we eagerly waited the entire morning... then we waited for the entire afternoon... then came the evening... still nothing. *Sigh* Is this it? With every cam notification, we jump to see if there are any new signs. I can imagine Father Robin's anxiety level now as we share the same intense hours as he... can't sleep!!
- Tags: adorable, bird, bird nest, blog, cam, cat, chicks, cute, daily feed, dog, eggs, exciting, FancyPetTags, FancyPetTags Mascot, FPT Mascot, Life of a Robin, live, Mascot, nest, pet, pets, Robin, spring, video, wild
Day 14 = Clockwork... 1...2...3.
Posted by Sidor B on

Day 14 - It's like clockwork... after #1 comes #2 and shortly after, there is #3!! Looks like Mama Robin and Father Robin will have some busy days ahead of them, trying to find enough worms to feed the young. I almost wanted to dig up some worms and just lay them on the ground to help them out. Father Robin is getting very protective these days; whenever we pass by them, he will tweet as us as if scolding us for disturbing his young. Bravo! Defend your home and fight for your young Papa!!
- Tags: adorable, bird, bird nest, blog, cam, cat, chicks, cute, daily feed, dog, eggs, exciting, FancyPetTags, FancyPetTags Mascot, FPT Mascot, Life of a Robin, live, Mascot, nest, pet, pets, Robin, spring, video, wild